Motocross / Enduro Training Camp Sardegna

Am dat startul pregatirilor pentru cantonamentul de pregatire moto offroad pe care il organizam la fiecare inceput de an, din 2012 si pana in prezent. Nici anul urmator nu va face exceptie, Februarie 2019 fiind deja o data setata in calendar pentru acest eveniment. Astfel, Adi Raduta si intreaga logistica RAMS Motorsport si Suspensii RAMS, isi vor muta baza in sudul Italiei, pe incredibila insula Sardinia. Suportul tehnic va fi oferit de echipele Top Cross TCS si RAMS MX School.
Ce inseamna acest cantonament:
- transportul motocicletei si al echipamentului moto, ce se va face cu camionul Top Cross TCS;
- cazare la hotel;
- transport asigurat pe durata sederii pe insula (drumuri la hotel, aeroport, circuit);
- mesele gatite de bucatarul echipei Top Cross TCS;
- acces la circuit (include taxa zilnica);
- antrenamente de tehnica moto;
- servisarea motocicletelor.
Ce trebuie sa faca un pilot care vrea sa mearga alaturi de Adi & Co. in Sardinia:
- sa-si aleaga o saptamana sau mai multe in perioada 1-22 Februarie 2019 ;
- sa se inscrie;
- sa-si ia bilet de avion cu destinatia Sardinia;
- gata š
Mai multe informatii si inscrieri la adi21 [@] Februarie 2019, Sardinia, here we come!
Short English description: wanna train with us in Sardegna? Each year we host a training camp, consisting of 3 weeks (you can choose how many you want to spend there) of motocross and enduro riding in Sardegna, Italy. Full logistics included by our team:
- motorcycle transport from Romania and back with our racing truck;
- hotel accommodations;
- on island transportation (to the airport, hotel, track);
- cooked meals by our personal chef;
- track access;
- training sessions with professional motocross rider Adrian Raduta;
- motorcycle maintenance.
All you have to do is pick a week or more between 1 – 22 Feb 2019, buy a plane ticket and meet us in Sardegna. More info and sign up via email at adi21 [@]